Gerard Carson's practice makes use of sculptural and digital processes to explore entanglements of materiality and subjectivity. Drawing upon areas of ecology, science-fiction, and technology,his works take the form of assemblages and digitally produced objects and environments that present layers of disparate materials, images, found objects, and processes. Carson’s interest is drawn to points where the distinctions between “real” and “virtual” become blurry, where seemingly concrete forms become fluid and vaporous.This becomes a process of feedback, whereby the past, present, and future subjects and materials become hybrids of human and non-human actors that morph into composites of novel formations and geometries. His practice acts as a mode of speculation,
whereby mixing and blending physical and digital processes provides a means of interpreting the entangled conditions of the precarious present, nebulous histories, and emerging futures.
Gerard Carson is a graduate of the University School of Art & Design and Chelsea College of
Art, where he was a recipient of the Frank Bowling Scholarship Award. He is a former co-director of Platform Arts Gallery, Belfast, Northern Ireland, and has previously participated in online events with Foreign Objekt, Solo.Show, Most Dismal Swamp, and Schemata/Corsica Studios. His works have been exhibited in a number of galleries and organizations in Ireland, the UK, France, Japan, and China.